Another Pair Bites the Dust

Last week I learned the hard way that using the belt loops on blue jeans as handles is not a good way to pull them on. It is, however, a good way to rip a hole in them!

Last night I learned that my blue jeans must just have it out for me. I kneeled down to pet the dog and tore a hole in the knee my jeans. Just like that! I bent my knee, they ripped. These jeans were not that old, and they were not tight! At all! Evil evil jeans!

So now I have to get yet another pair of replacement jeans. I hate shopping for jeans. I bought a pair at Old Navy to replace the beltloop pair. I tried them on at home (I hate fitting rooms if I can avoid them) and they fit. Mostly. They fit great in the thighs, and through my hips and butt, but the waist is a little big. Like, absolutely-must-wear-a-belt bit. I don’t know how they expect someone like myself, with no butt and no hips, to have such a large waist. It’s strange. But the tags are off and I’ll suck it up and wear a belt for now. Then it’ll be time to go back out and do some serious pants shopping, to hopefully find more that actually fit me like they’re supposed to.

Stupid jeans!

3 thoughts on “Another Pair Bites the Dust

  1. I am mystified at the proportions that jeans have. I have long legs, so all the jeans I get that fit in the legs are either too big in the waist or too big in the ass. Evil. Just evil.


  2. I misread this part:

    tried them on at home (I hate fitting rooms if I can avoid them) and they fit. Mostly.

    I thought it said “Moistly” when I first looked at it. I was going to say “TMI!” hahaha


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